All posts by djohnson
Question/Answer 1
Link to my Question 1 Video
Coco Mon Key
321 Jungle Road,51015,Abo,Booga
Vine University, Abo, Booga
Masters Degree Major~August/5th
Studied in Rio, Australia, and Africa.
Jungle Vine House Making January/05-October/06 Vine-Ville, Ooga
- I helped build many houses because i can use my tail to get to high places.
- I used my tail to swing from railing to railing.
- My feet help me to run fast.
- My light weight allowed me to jump far distances.
- Language
- Communicating with humans
- Using thumbs
- Jumping
- Flinging poop towards enemies
- Flinging poop
- Swinging
- Running
- Climbing
- Building
- Society Award
- Deans List
- University Scholar
I would like to have a job at the Jungle Fire Department. There are a lot of jungle fires, and I would like to help prevent that. I could use my tail to swing on vines to help people. I could use my feet to run from place to place. I could jump from treehouse to treehouse. I would really enjoy having this job.
Magic Milk Lab
My Day In The Milky Way
My name is Fiar, I live in the Solativian Galaxy. We have many tides. We have high tides and low tides. We also have spring tides and neap tides.We have 8 moons. Each one is the size of an asteroid, and the name of each of the planets in the Milky Way Galaxy. One day i decided to get in my spaceship and to the great galaxy we adore. I went into the spiral of the galaxy and saw many circle shaped planets. I went to the one with the most color, and on my ship it said it was called Earth. While i was entering the atmosphere I hit a satellite and went out of my path and the planet pulled me in like a vacuum. I landed on what seemed like an island. The were no people the according to my life locator. It was dark, but you could see light , so I assumed there was a moon and it night. I got an all about device for my birthday so I got it out and typed in “Earth”. I had said that Earth was in the Milky Way Galaxy with a star called Sun. Sun seemed pretty interesting to me so I typed in the word ” Sun”. It had said that the Sun had something called the photosphere, which was the surface of it. It has an atmosphere and one of those was the chromosphere. The Sun’s outermost layer was the corona. The Sun has sunspots, and solar prominences, solar flares, and other cool things. I looked up the word “Earth” again. It said Earth was one of 4 inner planets and that there were 4 outer planets. I had saw something that looked like a comet and it was heading toward me. It was blue though. Before I could figure out what it was I heard my mom saying “Wake up, it is time for school.”. I then woke up from the best dream ever I had ever had.
Ecosystem Poem
The number of organisms is population, and they all have an adaptation.
In every community, each organism has a diversity.
Out of all parasites fleas there are the most , all of them have something called a host.
There are many types of animals, carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores too, many of these animals live all around me and you.
There are producers and consumers but you might think this is grosser, these tiny things are called decomposers.
Big things, little things that we cant see, these are called organisms like you and me.
There are things that live in the sky and underground, things in the water and on land that can be found.
Many animals are going extinct, a lot are killed by the time you blink.
Earth is very beautiful as you can see, the thing that help us live is called a tree.
This is our great ecosystem.
What To Do What To Do
This summer I might just stay home like a old BUM. Every summer I just stay home I don’t go on vacations like other families. I have a pool but its broken, I can go down the street to see my friend but he’ll be gone, so I don’t know what to do. I might just lay in bed watching repeats of TV shows. I might just be thinking over and over what to do what to do. I know for a fact I’ll be on Facebook all summer. I really wish for once just once to go on a real vacation. But you know what i can sleep in, stay up late, be on computer, spend the night at my cousins house, ohhhh it just all is exciting. When school starts again I don’t know what to think. During the summer is the 4th Of July. In July is my birthday so i really want a phone or a new laptop. So summer to me is only fun because of a simple few things. I don’t have to get up and get ready for school but still my house is boring. So I hope you have a good summer.
Do What Your Heart Says To Do
A life lesson can be good or bad. For example a bad way can be like keeping a secret and you get grounded. A good way is like to do what your told and you can get good rewards.
So my life lesson is to not keep secrets and lying. This year during school I got too many detentions so then I got SAC. I kept it from my mom but then my friend told her. I got grounded for whole month. Then I lied to her saying that I didn’t get SAC but then again my friend spoke the truth. then I got grounded again for another month. My mom told me to call my dad and tell him I got SAC but I just wouldn’t she said if I didn’t I would be grounded again for a month so I told him. So I was grounded for 2 months not being on the computer or watching TV or spending the night at my cousins house.
Another life lesson is good. During the summer I told my mom I was going to mow the lawn and she said she would give me 20 dollars. So I tried to mow but I only mowed half the lawn but I still got 20 dollars. My mom works at our church and I help her and being such a big help she said I could buy anything I wanted. I bought this game that I really wanted for like 2 months. I’ve had fun playing it.
Now I know to do good things and not to keep secrets and lie. I also hope you will not keep secrets or lie. So then again life lessons can be good or bad so just because you think its the right thing to do sometimes its not but the thing you think is wrong might be right. So just do what your heart tells you to do.
” Oh What A Sight!”
The best sense I have is sight. I would want to lose my wonderful sight least because I love to play video games on play on the computer but without sight I couldn’t.
Ever “sense” we started to read The Cay I’ve been practicing what I would be like if I were blind. I’ve been carrying a cane around with my eyes closed I did pretty well but I kept opening them. Without my sight I am nothing I love it and I don’t want it to go away. I wouldn’t be able to see the wonderful animals and plants God made for us all on Earth.
I would never be able to know what I looked like and I want to know what I look like. I would never know if I was about to fall off a cliff. The senses are the best thing we have on Earth.
My life is great because god let me have my 5 senses.