Coco Mon Key
321 Jungle Road,51015,Abo,Booga
Vine University, Abo, Booga
Masters Degree Major~August/5th
Studied in Rio, Australia, and Africa.
Jungle Vine House Making January/05-October/06 Vine-Ville, Ooga
- I helped build many houses because i can use my tail to get to high places.
- I used my tail to swing from railing to railing.
- My feet help me to run fast.
- My light weight allowed me to jump far distances.
- Language
- Communicating with humans
- Using thumbs
- Jumping
- Flinging poop towards enemies
- Flinging poop
- Swinging
- Running
- Climbing
- Building
- Society Award
- Deans List
- University Scholar
I would like to have a job at the Jungle Fire Department. There are a lot of jungle fires, and I would like to help prevent that. I could use my tail to swing on vines to help people. I could use my feet to run from place to place. I could jump from treehouse to treehouse. I would really enjoy having this job.