because YOU don’t know what goes
on in THEIR life.
They might be POOR,
And can’t afford clothes,
their water might NOT work.
because they might judge YOU.
As the Golden Rule says ”Treat others the way YOU want to be treated.”
judge not on others but on YOURSELF!
D.J. Johnson
By: D.J. Johnson Reporting From The USA
“Gutten Tag”, as the Nazi’s would say as they were out on the corner stopping people. Annemarie and her friend Ellen were racing each other when a Nazi officer stopped them. Ellen was scared because she knew the Nazi’s didn’t like Jews. One day Peter Neilsen took Ellen’s Parents and hid them so the Nazi’s wouldn’t find them. Ellen had to pretend she was Annemarie’s sister. Annemarie, her mom,Ellen, and her sister, traveled to their Uncle Henrik’s house. Ellen’s parents returned to Uncle Henrik’s House and many Jews traveled to Sweeden to be safe. Annemarie wondered if she would ever see her best friend again, and Uncle Henrik said “yes”. Two years later they found out Peter got Shot for helping Jews, Annemarie looked in her room, saw her big sister Lise, who had died , her trunk. There she saw Ellen’s necklace that had the “Star of David” on it and said she would wear it until she saw Ellen again.
D.J. Johnson
Twas the 11th Christmas of my life, not a creature was stirring not even 11 little mice. I was laying in my bed with my curly black hair, hoping presents would be there. I in my PJ’s sleeping in bed, while visions of candycanes danced in my head. When I woke up Christmas morning, my mom and stepdad were still sleeping. I opened my presents all through about, hoping I got cool presents and no one could doubt. I looked in my stocking I’m glad there was no coal, then I saw a big present and it was a new basketball goal. I knew this was the best Christmas ever, not one was better nope not ever.
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