All posts by djohnson

(News Story 2) 2011 Invitational A Meet

News Writing

School buses will be receiving wi-fi starting on March 1st, because the Superintendent of Leaguetown High School [Kelli Putman] made the decision, and an anonymous donation was made by a local business for the cause.

Superintendent Putman said, “We are fortunate to have a local business to donate $25,000 for our students that deserve every opportunity to learn. This service will last for at least three years.” There was also some information that was said, but not by Putman, like “the router costs $200 each, with a monthly fee of $60, for 10 buses.”

Also, bus driver [Calvin Baker] said, “The morning rides are pretty quiet, but the students get restless and rowdy on the way home. It makes rides difficult, but with their computers, I bet the rides will be much quieter and calmer.” This statement may be true, but Baker states he ‘bet’ the rides will be much quieter and calmer, it was not promised.

Along with the bus rides being serene, social studies teacher [Matt Fedeor] said, “This will make life easier for some of my seniors, who are required to read newspaper articles, and comment on the articles on our class blog twice a week.” Fedeor had also said, “Several of my students give up their lunch to do the assignment because they can’t do it at home.” The issue that students would have to give up lunch to do their homework would be solved once wi-fi has been inserted into school buses.

A student also had a comment about the buses having wi-fi. Junior [Mariah Nunes] had said, “My Spanish teacher gives us extra credit if we do assignments from a Spanish website. I could definitely use some extra credit in that class, so I am excited about this.”

Invitational A Meet

News Writing
Invitational A Meet ∘ 2005

On Monday night, the school board will meet to vote if Jim Stack [Junior] should be able to grow his hair out 10 inches, which is against school policy, for Locks of Love.
Stack asked Tonya King [Principal] if he could have an exception to grow his hair out, yet King denied his request. King said, “Had I approved Jim’s request, the school would be in chaos. i would be more than willing to help with a fundraiser and donate money to the organization.”
Stack said, “I hope the board understands my request, donating my hair to Locks of Love is a very special project to me.” Stack late said, “I was disappointed when Mrs. King turned my request down.”
Many people like Holly Stack [Stack’s Mother], Bill Valdez [School Board President], and Gisel Rico [President of Locks of Love] were impressed by Stack’s passion to donate his hair. Holly had said, “I am proud of Jim, he is a very giving young man.” Valdez said, “I can’t comment on this issue right now, but we will discuss it at the board meeting next week. I will also say that he has some good points.”

Por La Mañana o Por La Noche?

Por La Mañana Por La Noche Por La Mañana & Por La Noche
Me afeito la cara.
Me arreglo el pero.
Me cepillo los dientes.
Me desayuno.
Me ducho.
Me lavo la cara.
Me pongo el desodorante.
Me seco el pelo.

Reflexive Verb Pron. #1